When you create your account, you will receive an email with two links:
– the first one is to activate your account,
– the second one is the internet address to login your account (ex: https://MYACCOUNT.hiboutik.com).
On the login page of your account, enter the email and password you have chosen when you create your account.
At the beginning, you account is in 'demo mode'.
In demo mode, you can try out the solution to get familiarized with the data and program, and you can reset your data whenever you want.
On all receipts/invoices printed while demo mode is active, ‘Demonstration’ will be displayed on the print out.
To activate the production mode, go the 'Sales' part and click on the 'Demo mode – Learn more' button in the center of the page. More information.
Check your tax rates in 'Settings/General settings/Sales taxes'.
Your account is already setup with the default tax rates of your country.
You can select a default tax rate that will be automatically applied to your new products.
More information.
Check you payment methods in 'Settings/General settings/Payment types'.
Standard payment methods are already set up on your account.
More information.
Configure the general settings of your products in 'Products/Products settings'.
Products can be classified into categories to help you find them easily on your sale interface. You can create as many different categories and sub-categories as you want. More information.
Suppliers are used to track your inventory and create stock orders. More information.
Variants enable to manage products with variations (ex: a shirt with different sizes). More information.
Create your products/services in the 'Products' tab of your account, by clicking on the 'Create a product' button.
Compulsory information to fulfill in a product form are: the name (to identify the product), the tax rate (select it in the drop-down menu) and the selling price (tax-inclusive or exclusive depending on what you have selected when you created your account).
If you track your product into inventory (you will have to add stock to start selling it), you must assign a supplier to your product and select the 'Stock management' box. A simple stock management feature is also available (more information).
If your product has variations you must select its variant type.
To easily find your product key on the sale interface, you can add a picture.
Other fields in the product form are optional and will help you better track your products. Ex: with the supply price, you can calculate your margin and value your inventory.
If you track your product into inventory, proceed to a stock order in 'Products/Stock orders'.
When you validate a stock order (receive the goods into stock), the quantity is added on your product and you can start selling it.
Proceed now to your first sales in the 'Sales tab' of your account.
On the left side, you will find all your products sort out in your different categories. When you click on your product key, the product is added to the sale in the right side of your sale interface. You can also add it by scanning a barcode or using the search bar.
To complete the sale, click on the 'Payment' button, select the payment method, and close the sale. The receipt will be printed automatically.
Many different features are available on the solution and are documented on this knowledge base.
Here are some useful links: