Setup a dev environnement

Install composer

Composer is a tool for dependency management in PHP. It allows you to declare the libraries your project depends on and it will manage (install/update) them for you. Install composer

Install Hiboutik libs

The Hiboutik PHP library can be installed with Composer.

php composer.phar require hiboutik/hiboutikapi

Create your first script



// Set your Hiboutik credentials here
$account = "faq";
$user = "___my_user_email___";
$key = "___my_user_api_key___";

$hiboutik = new \Hiboutik\HiboutikAPI($account, $user, $key);

// To list all active products on your account:
$products = $hiboutik->get("/products/");
if ($hiboutik->request_ok) {

foreach ($products as $product) {
print("<br />".$product['product_model']);

} else {
  if (isset($products['details']['error_description'])) {
    print $products['details']['error_description'];
  } else {
    print $products['error_description'];

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