Sales and Invoices Numbering

Sale events are managed with 3 distinct numbering sequences:

  • The numbering of created sales (order number),
  • The numbering of validated sales,
  • And the numbering of invoices.

1/ Numbering of Created Sales

When a sale is created, it is assigned an incremental number (+1) based on the last created sale.

Upon validation, the sale is assigned an incremental number (+1) based on the last validated sale at the point of sale. This numbering follows a continuous and chronological series specific to each point of sale.

The numbering of validated sales is separate from the numbering of created sales to ensure continuity:

  • Multiple sales can be managed simultaneously (e.g., in the restaurant industry with table service) and validated in a chronological order different from their creation order.
  • Created sales may be deleted: for example, unused open sales or orders canceled due to non-payment (pre-orders, online sales, etc.).
  • Quotations are sharing the same numbering as created sales and may not result in a completed sale.
  • Multiple stores within the same account use the same database for created sales but require their own numbering for validated sales (due to distinct legal entities, activity-based invoicing tracking, etc.).

2/ Numbering of Validated Sales

The numbering of validated sales follows the format: AAAA-MM-S-XXX
AAAA-MM is the month and year of the sale validation,
S is the store identifier where the sale was registered,
XXX is the incremental number of the validated sale within the month.
Example: A sale with the number 2020-10-2-340 is the 340th validated sale in October 2020 at the store with identifier 2.

Before a sale is validated, only the created sale number is printed on the proforma receipt and proforma invoice.

After validation, the validated sale number is printed on the receipt and invoice.

3/ Numbering of Invoices (Since 01/01/2025)

A unique invoice number is assigned to invoiced sales, meaning sales linked to an invoice address.
The invoice numbering follows a continuous and chronological series specific to each point of sale.

The numbering follows the format: AAAA-S-F-XXX
AAAA is the year of the sale validation,
S is the store identifier where the sale was registered,
F stands for "Facture" (Invoice),
XXX is the incremental invoice number within the year.

At the beginning of each year, the series is reset.
This invoice number appears only on invoices.

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