Generate and end-of-day report (Z report)

Your end-of-day report is available in 'Reports/End-of-day'.
In this section, you can perform your daily closure and print a Z report.

The end-of-day report gives on a period of 24 hours a detailed summary of :
– payments received by payment methods,
– your turnover by taxes,
– deferred payments received and store credit deposits.

If you click on the eye icon in the header of each chart you will find the detail of amounts.

By default, the daily period ends at midnight, but it can be changed if you close your store later. Contact our support service to change the closing time of your business.

With the Premium option, you can also list all products sold on the day selected, and filter the results by categories, suppliers or brands.
A 'Users' section details the turnover by vendors and enables to reassign a sale to a different user. A 'Transfer a sale' section enables to reassign a sale to a past day (the destination day should not be closed). More information.

The 'Logs' section enables to track all sales events.

In the 'Print/Close the day' section, you can print a X report that gives a snapshot situation of your daily sales.
After checking that payments received match with payments expected, you can close the day and print a Z report. More information.

With the Premium option, you can print a end-of-day report for each user.

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