Demo mode is a testing stage before switching your account to production mode.
Demo mode is the best way to learn how the solution is working for an efficient launch.
In demo mode you can test the sale process and reset your data.
We recommend to setup your account in demo mode, run all tests and reset your sales data just before transferring your account in production.
In the Sales tab, click on the 'Demo mode - Learn more' button in the center of the page to access reset actions and switch your account to production.
In demo mode, all printed documents are not valid (the 'Demonstration' mention is printed).
Once you are in production mode, it is irreversible. You cannot use any more the demo mode.
In demo mode, Premium option is active on your account (including API access) in order that you can test all features of the solution.
The transfer to the production mode is free.
When the production mode is activated, you will use the free version. To subscribe to the Premium option, go to 'Subscriptions/Subscribe'.