Change your data

Your company information printed on your receipts and invoices, can be modified in 'Settings/Printing'.

Change admin data :

  1. Go to 'Settings/Users/Users' (you need to be allowed to access this section),
  2. Click on the wrench icon on the line of the admin user (ID 1) and make the necessary changes. Two users cannot have the same email. If the email is already assigned, you need first to change it on the other user.

Change legal data (legal representative, addresses...) :

  1. Login your account as admin,
  2. Send us a message from your account (I icon at the top right corner, then 'Contact us') with the updates to proceed,
  3. If necessary, you can also change these data on your printing documents in 'Settings/Printing'.

If we are not sure that your inquiry is coming from the admin user of your account, we can ask you additional documents to justify your demand.

Send us a request

Click here

  • FR +33 (0)1 48 78 40 06
  • FR +41 (0)21 519 00 17
  • FR +32 (0)2 318 82 77
  • FR +34 (0)912 69 39 94