Sync your products with Prestashop

This article explains how to sync your product database with Prestashop.
To sync your inventory, please consult this guide.

1/ Requirements

The barcode in Hiboutik is the single key to identity a product or its variant.
To sync a product between Hiboutik and Prestashop: the product barcode (or the variant barcode) in Hiboutik must match with the product Reference (or variant Reference) in Prestashop.

2/ Import a Prestashop product database

This section explains how to import a Prestashop product database into an Hiboutik account.
Only products, variants, suppliers and brands will be imported.
To import your inventory you should use an import file (for a stock order or an inventory count).

Login your Prestashop account, to create an access to the webservice.
Go to 'Advanced Parameters / Webservice' and add an access key with All permissions (click on the permission header to enable all resources).

In the 'Apps' section of your Hiboutik acccount, install the 'Import Prestashop' application.
Enter te URL address of your website and paste the access key generated on Prestashop.
Save and click on the 'Import data' button.
The import can take some minutes. You must keep the application page active to perform the import.

Product data (name, price, tax rate), images, categories and suppliers are imported.
For products with variants, only the first variation is imported (ex: size). For others variations (ex: colors), as many different products will be created on your account.
The product Reference is imported in the barcode field.

If a new import is performed, only new Prestahop products will be created.

Note: It is not possible to cancel an import (except through a total reset in demo mode).

3/ Export a product database to Prestashop

This section explains how to export an Hiboutik product database into a Prestashop account.

Step 1:
In 'Products/Export-import/Export data: Products', export files of your product database are available.
For the 'Prestashop' and 'Prestashop variants' line, click on the 'Generate' icon and download the files.
This file is preformatted to be seamlessly imported into Prestashop.

Step 2:
From Prestashop, go to the 'Catalog/Products' section and click on the 'Import' link from the Configuration icon in the top right corner.
On the import page, select 'Products' as import type, upload the first file ('Prestashop'), choose semicolon (;) as field delimiter and switch off all buttons.
You must then map correctly your file columns with the Prestashop headers in the import wizard.
The file data to map in the import wizard are:

Name Notes
Active (0/1) 1 by default (=active), or 0 if the product is archived.
Name Name of the product.
Categories (x,y,z…) Category of the product. If it doesn’t exist, it will be created automatically.
Price tax included Selling price (with or without taxes according to your account settings).
Tax rules ID Product tax ID on your account ('Settings/Sales taxes'). Check that IDs are matching with Prestashop taxes IDs ('Customize/International/Taxes'), and modify the file if needed.
Wholesale price Supply price (excl. taxes).
Reference # Key data for the synchronisation. Barcode of the product (barcode of the parent product if the product has variants).
Supplier reference # Supplier reference.
Supplier Supplier of the product. If it doesn’t exist, it will be created automatically.
Manufacturer Brand of the product. If it doesn’t exist, it will be created automatically.
Quantity Quantity of the product if you track it into inventory. If the product has variants, quantities will be imported with the second file.
Image Link to the first image of your product.
Description Description of the product.

Step 3 :
From Prestashop, go to the 'Catalog/Products' section and click on the 'Import' link from the Configuration icon in the top right corner.
On the import page, select 'Conbinations' as import type, upload the second file ('Prestashop variants'), choose semicolon (;) as field delimiter and switch on the button 'Use product reference as key'.
The link between variations and the parent product is the parent product reference, that’s why it is important to activate this button.
You must then map correctly your file columns with the Prestashop headers in the import wizard.
The file data to map in the import wizard are:

Name Notes
Product reference Barcode of the parent product.
Attribute (Name:Type:Position) The variant type. If it doesn’t exist, it will be created automatically. By default, the Type (=name displayed on your website when you select a combination) is the same as the variant type (=Name).
Value (Value:Position) The variant value (combination name). If it doesn’t exist, it will be created automatically.
Reference Key data for the synchronisation. The barcode of the variation.
Wholesale price Supply price. Only if it is different from the parent product supply price.
Impact on price Price difference (exl. Taxes) with the parent product selling price. Leave blank if no price difference.
Quantity Quantity of the variation if the product is tracked into inventory.

You can filter results in the export file generated on Hiboutik (ex: to only export last new products):
– go to the 'Products' section,
– click on the 'Advanced search' button at the top of the page,
– select your filter options and tick the 'Save results' box,
– and launch the search.
Files generated in 'Products/Export-import/Export data: Products' will only include products sorted out in the search.

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