Custom Domain name and website activity

For /Food and /Myshop themes you can use your custom domain name.

Go to your third-party domain registar, and configure the A record of your domaine name (or subdomain) with the following IP address:
It will point your domain name to our server where your webstore is hosted.
Then send to our customer support service your domain name (or subdomain) and we will complete the configuration.

Web analytics services (like Google Analytics) provide you a small piece of code to track your website activity (traffic source, session duration, bounce rate...).
Go to the 'Settings/Webstore/Misc' section of your account, and paste this code in the 'Include' field.

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  • FR +41 (0)21 519 00 17
  • FR +32 (0)2 318 82 77
  • FR +34 (0)912 69 39 94