Configure receipts

You can configure your receipt layout in 'Settings/Printing/Receipt'.

Receipts are printed on thermal paper rolls of 3-1/8” width by default.
To print on paper rolls of 2-1/4”width, go to 'Settings/Users/Access management' and enable the right: 'Print receipts on rolls 57 mm width'.

1/ Header and footer

You can customize the header and footer of your receipt with codes.
Some codes must be placed alone on one line (with no text or data before and after the code on the same line).
You can also add conditional codes, to print the data only if the condition is reached.

The available codes are:

These codes must be added on a single line (with no text added on the same line)
Start code End code Description
<hibou_bold> </hibou_bold> Bold the text
<hibou_double_height> </hibou_double_height> Double the text height
<hibou_double_width> </hibou_double_width> Double the text width
<hibou_underline> </hibou_underline> Underline the text with a thin line
<hibou_underline_2dots> </hibou_underline> Underline the text with a thick line
<hibou_emphasized> </hibou_emphasized> Enphasize the text
<hibou_align_left> Align left the text
<hibou_align_center> Center the text
<hibou_align_right> Align right the text
<hibou_use_font_a> Use the A font of your printer
<hibou_use_font_b> Use the B font of your printer
<hibou_use_font_c> Use the C font of your printer
<hibou_font_size>largeur|hauteur Change the font size with an integer between 1 and 8 for the width and the height (1|1 default size)
<hibou_switch_colors> </hibou_switch_colors> Print in white on black background
<hibou_print_barcode> Print the sale ID barcode
<hibou_print_barcode_client_id> Print the customer ID barcode
<hibou_print_barcode_client_id_ean> Print the customer ID barcode with a 245 prefix in order to scan it directly in the 'Add product' field of a sale
<hibou_print_barcode_client_ean> Print the customer EAN barcode
<hibou_activate_buzzer> Launch the buzzer (restaurant)
<hibou_set_print_width_57> Fix the printing width to 2-1/4”
<hibou_open_drawer> Open the cash drawer
<hibou_cut_paper_full> Cut the paper on its full width
<hibou_cut_paper_partial> Cut the paper partially

These codes can be added wherever you want
Code Description
<hibou_print_date> Print the date (format : AAAA-MM-DD)
<hibou_print_date_time> Print the date and time (format AAA-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)
<hibou_print_year> Print the year
<hibou_print_month_letters> Print the month in letters
<hibou_print_month> Print the month number
<hibou_print_day> Print the day number
<hibou_print_room> Print the room name
<hibou_print_table> Print the table name
<hibou_print_couverts> Print the number of place settings
<hibou_print_order_amount> Print the total amount of the sale
<hibou_print_payment> Print the payment method(s) used
<hibou_print_cash_tendered> Print the cash amount tendered by the customer
<hibou_print_cash_change> Print the change due on a cash payment
<hibou_print_logo>X|Y Print the logo saved on the printer. Must be followed by the logo double codes separated by a pipe.
Exemple : <hibou_print_logo>32|32
<hibou_print_logo_deprecated>X Print the logo saved on the printer. Must be followed by the logo single code.
Exemple : <hibou_print_logo_deprecated>1
<hibou_print_num_order> Print the sale number
<hibou_print_num_order_unique> Print the close sale number
<hibou_print_sale_ext_ref> Print the external code of the sale
<hibou_print_num_order_last_X_digits> with X=2,3 or 4
Print the last X digits of the sale number
<hibou_print_invoice_address> Print invoice address
<hibou_print_delivery_address> Print delivery address
<hibou_print_client_first_name> Print the customer first name
<hibou_print_client_last_name> Print the customer last name
<hibou_print_client_company> Print the customer company
<hibou_print_client_email> Print the customer email
<hibou_print_client_telephone> Print the customer phone number
<hibou_print_client_tax_number> Print the customer tax number (ex: intra-community VAT number)
<hibou_print_client_account_balance> Print the balance of the prepaid purchase account
<hibou_print_client_credit_balance> Print the balance of the store credit account
<hibou_print_vendor_last_name> Print the last name of the seller/waiter
<hibou_print_vendor_first_name> Print the first name of the seller/waiter
<hibou_print_client_points> Print the balance of the loyalty account
<hibou_print_order_points> Print loyalty points gained on the sale
<hibou_print_order_tags> Print the tags linked to the sale
<hibou_print_comments> Print the sale notes
<hibou_print_qrcode>XXX Print a QR code
Exemple : <hibou_print_qrcode>
<hibou_print_this_barcode>XXX Print a specific barcode
Exemple: <hibou_print_this_barcode>1234567891011
<hibou_print_qrcode_payment_stripe> Print the QR Code for an online payment (with Stripe)
<hibou_print_qrcode_receipt> Print the digital ticket QR Code.
<hibou_print_amount_per_client> Print the average price per person
<hibou_print_service_charge> Print the service charge amount
<hibou_print_total_without_service_charge> Print the total amount without the service charge
<hibou_print_pickup_date> Print the pickup date and hour of the order

Conditional codes to add at the beginning of the line (if…then print)
Code Description
<hibou_print_if_client> Print the line IF a customer is linked to the sale
<hibou_print_if_not_client> Print the line IF no customer is linked to the sale
<hibou_print_if_vendor> Print the line IF a seller is linked to the sale
<hibou_print_if_cash_change> Print the line IF the cash tendered by the customer is registered
<hibou_print_if_happy_hour> Print the line IF it is happy hour time
<hibou_print_if_couverts> Print the line IF a number of place settings is assigned to the sale
<hibou_print_if_proforma> Prints the line IF the sale is not yet closed
<hibou_print_if_num_order_unique> Print the line IF the sale is closed
<hibou_print_if_client_points> Print the line IF the customer has at least 1 point in his loyalty account
<hibou_print_if_order_points> Print the line IF at least one product of the sale gives loyalty points
<hibou_print_if_order_tags> Print the line IF tags are linked to the sale
<hibou_print_if_client_tax_number> Print the line IF the customer has a tax number
<hibou_print_if_client_account_balance_positive> Print the line IF the balance of the prepaid purchase account is positive
<hibou_print_if_client_credit_balance> Print the line IF the balance of the store credit account is different than 0
<hibou_print_if_takeaway_sale> Print the line IF it is a takeaway sale
<hibou_print_if_eatin_sale> Print the line IF it is a eat-in sale

2/ Add a logo

Upload your logo into your printer with the manufacturer utility software.
Most of the time, you will need a Windows device to upload it. For mac, the software can just creates a link between your printer and the logo saved on your device, so it will not work.

Your logo will take a reference (code) into your printer like a double code (ex: 32|32 for Epson printers) or a single number.

In 'Settings /Printing/Receipts', add in your receipt header the following code :
<hibou_print_logo>32|32 (replace 32|32 with your logo reference)
<hibou_print_logo_deprecated>X (replace X with your logo reference, or 1 if your logo has no reference).

3/ Receipt content

You can find up to 2 different fonts (sometimes 3) into your printer. Each font is linked to a number of columns (different from a printer to another). It means that you can only print a maximum number of characters per line for each font.
Ex: the HI-03 printer can print 64 characters per line for font A and 48 characters per line for font B.

On the default receipt layout, we print for each product line: the quantity, the description, the unit price, and the total price.
The font is the smallest one on your printer. Each line is printed on 56 columns:
[quantity – max 6 characters][description – max 34 char.][unit price – max 8 char.][total price – max 8 char.]

With an advanced setting, you can customize the content of your receipt, by assigning a maximum number of characters to each component.
In 'Settings/Users/Access management', enable the right: 'Manage receipt advanced settings'.
Then go to 'Settings/Printing/Receipt' below the header and footer fields.
Add the different components to display on your receipt. For each component you must select the length (number of characters), the round (for digital values), and the text alignment (inside the character range).

The font of the content is the last font setup in the header of your receipt (or font A by default).

To print a single line for each product of the sale, the total length of your components should not exceed the number of columns of the font used.

If a product of the sale is not affected by a component (ex: no discount or no loyalty point), the component character range will be empty.

Here is the list of the different components you can use :

Name Notes
Product Name of the product
Short name Short name of the product if fulfilled in the product form, or name of the product
Variant Variant the product
Product& Variant Name + variant of the product
Category Category the product belongs to
Quantity -
Unit price -
Unit price before discount Selling price incl. tax fulfilled in the product form
Unit price excl. tax -
Discount Amount of the unit discount incl. tax, preceded by the term 'Discount'
Total discount = (Unit discount incl. tax) x Quantity, preceded by the term 'Discount'
Discount % Discount in %
Break_if_n_discount Don't print the following content if there is no discount on the line
Points Points earned on the product line, followed by the term 'points'
Total incl. tax = (Unit price x Quantity
Total excl. tax = (Unit price x Quantity
Total incl. tax before discount = (Unit price before discount) x Quantity
S/N Serial number
Supplier Name of the product supplier
Supplier code -
Brand Name of the product brand
Product ID -
Tax rate in %
Notes Notes of the product line
Product modifiers Modifiers of the product, separated by the | character
Notes if <> Nothing|Name of the product Prints the notes of the product line if it exists, otherwise it prints the name of the product
Misc_... Content of the additionnal fields in the product form

See some examples of custom receipts

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